CBD Frequently Asked Questions
We’ve gathered the most frequently asked questions from our customers to create a comprehensive CBD guide. If we haven’t answered your question here, please contact us.
What is CBD?
CBD is short for cannabidiol and is a naturally-occurring chemical compound found in the cannabis plant, most often hemp. This all-natural compound effects receptors throughout your body, primarily your immune system, affecting your body and mind in a number of ways believed to be positive.
Is CBD safe?
CBD is believed to be well-tolerated in most people and studies have found no significant adverse side effects.
Will CBD get me high?
No. While CBD does come from cannabis it is not a psychoactive compound and cannot get you high.
How do I take CBD?
- Oral ingestion may be the most common method and includes edibles, oils (often called tinctures), capsules, gel caps, lozenges, and water-soluble CBD. Edibles, capsules, and gel caps are taken as would be expected. Water-soluble CBD is often a capsule or gel cap but may also be purchased as a tincture, which may be mixed with a beverage or taken via drops under the tongue. Oils and tinctures are ingested by mixing with a beverage or via drops under the tongue. Lozenges are designed to work like any lozenge and will dissolve slowly in the mouth.
- Topical applications include CBD muscle rubs, balms, creams, lotions, and others. These work by rubbing the topical into the skin. This method is often used for localized pain in the joints and muscles. The CBD is absorbed through the skin and through the muscular barrier to providing relief to a localized area.
- Vapes are the fastest way to introduce CBD to the system, and by many accounts the most efficient because it bypasses the digestive system. There are several options. Disposable vape pens are pre-filled with CBD and powered by a built-in coil battery. These are generally good for about 100 puffs. CBD oil cartridges are slim cylindrical vape tanks that come pre-filled with CBD vape juice or CBD distillate and require a compatible cartridge for vaping. Refillable CBD vape pens are rechargeable and can be filled with vape juice which is purchased separately. These require basic regular maintenance and can be more cost-effective in the long run.
Does CBD work?
Legally, we cannot make any definitive claims about the effectiveness of CBD. However, tens of thousands of testimonials, comprehensive studies and even the FDA (which has recently approved a CBD-based drug for the treatment of epilepsy) can attest to its effectiveness.
Many use CBD to treat multiple ailments or symptoms and swear by its effectiveness.
Is CBD natural?
CBD is 100% natural. It’s found in cannabis plants, primarily hemp.
What are the side effects of CBD?
To date, there has been no evidence that CBD causes any significant side effects. In very large quantities some have reported temporary drowsiness or lethargy. If this happens to you, simply lower your dosage.
Will CBD show up on a drug test?
Not usually. While a test could detect CBD if it were set up to do so, it is very unlikely they are looking for it. THC is the chemical that tests will look for, and most CBD products will contain THC, but only trace amounts too small to show up. This product contains a total delta-9-tetra-hydrocannabinol concentration that does not exceed 0.3 percent on a dry-weight basis. This means the product may contain three parts of THC per 1000 parts of oil by weight and is considered “THC-Free.” If you are taking unusually large amounts of CBD products containing 0.3% THC it may add up to enough to be detected. These statements apply only to Kode RD. A lack of regulation in the industry means that many CBD companies may not accurately report their THC content.
If you are still worried about testing, here is the general timeline most agree on:
A urine test can detect THC up to 45 days.
A blood test can detect THC up to 75 days.
A hair follicle test can detect THC up to 90 days.
Is CBD legal?
Yes. The 2018 Farm Bill states CBD made from hemp containing less than 0.3% THC by dry volume is legal. The Bill puts no restrictions on the possession, sale or interstate transport of hemp-based CBD that meets this and other regulatory standards. It also removed hemp-based CBD from the list of Schedule 1 drugs under the Controlled Substance Act.
Where does CBD come from?
CBD is an all-natural compound extracted from the flower of the Cannabis Sativa L. plant. Our CBD comes from Hemp (not Marijuana) and is cultivated to be THC-free. That means this product contains a total delta-9-tetra-hydrocannabinol concentration that does not exceed 0.3 percent on a dry-weight basis.
What are the benefits of CBD?
Legally, we cannot make any claims about the effectiveness of CBD. What we can do is gather testimonials and studies from around the world and let you know what these say. This list is expanding as we learn more about CBD. If you are on any medication for the treatment of any of the symptoms below, consult a physician about how CBD may interact with your medications, and how CBD may help.
Is it safe to order CBD online?
Here are some things to look for:
- Has it been tested by a third-party lab? If so, the test results should be readily available. The report should show that the product is free of contaminates and falls within the FDA regulation of containing 0.3 % THC or less.
- Make sure the packaging has an ingredient list. Look for organic and all-natural ingredients. If the labeling has ingredients you are not familiar with, do a Google search to check for side effects.
- Make sure hemp is the source, not marijuana.
- Check the dosage and be sure it is correct for you. Too little and you may see no effect and mistakenly conclude the product is not right for you. Everyone is different, and different symptoms may require different dosages. Here is a starter’s guide:
- See how the product is absorbed in the system, especially for oil-based CBD. It won’t matter the dosage if your body is not absorbing it. Consider supplements with Vitamin C as an example. We all know that some brands will boast high Vitamin C levels, but lab tests will confirm that the body is not receiving the benefit because the specific supplement has not been formulated to be easily absorbed by the body. Other brands may have lower levels of Vitamin C, but the body more readily absorbs the Vitamin C and so you may see better results. The same idea applies to CBD.
- Read customer reviews of the product.
- Make sure the website has taken steps to keep your information safe.
What is hemp?
Hemp is a cannabis plant (Cannabis sativa L.), but it should not be mistaken for marijuana. The two plants have different morphology and chemical makeup and their usages are very different. Hemp contains far less of the psychoactive compound THC and can be (and is in our case) cultivated to contain the least amount of THC possible. 0.3% THC or less.
The plant has been used for over 10,000 years for the fiber from the stems, the protein from the seeds, oils and smokable portions from the leaves and flowers, and it can be made into countless items including paper, clothing, fabric for furnishings and even building materials. In fact, the first hemp rope was found in the Czech Republic and dates back to 26,900 BCE.
When taken into historical context, the illegality of hemp was only a very short blip in a rich history of countless uses and benefits. There have been many articles, reports and even books written on the reason hemp had been made illegal to begin with in the United States, these mostly pointing to the influence of various lobbies which would have needed to compete financially against the different products hemp could be used for if it were to remain legal. This historical lesson may be juxtaposed with the recent (unsuccessful) opposition pharmaceuticals have had toward hemp and CBD’s legalization.

CBD Frequently Asked Questions
We’ve gathered the most frequently asked questions from our customers to create a comprehensive CBD guide. If we haven’t answered your question here, please contact us.
What is CBD?
CBD is short for cannabidiol and is a naturally-occurring chemical compound found in the cannabis plant, most often hemp. This all-natural compound effects receptors throughout your body, primarily your immune system, affecting your body and mind in a number of ways believed to be positive.
Is CBD safe?
CBD is believed to be well-tolerated in most people and studies have found no significant adverse side effects.
Will CBD get me high?
No. While CBD does come from cannabis it is not a psychoactive compound and cannot get you high.
How do I take CBD?
- Oral ingestion may be the most common method and includes edibles, oils (often called tinctures), capsules, gel caps, lozenges and water-soluble CBD. Edibles, capsules and gel caps are taken as would be expected. Water-soluble CBD is often a capsule or gel cap but may also be purchased as a tincture, which may be mixed with a beverage or taken via drops under the tongue. Oils and tinctures are ingested by mixing with a beverage or via drops under the tongue. Lozenges are designed to work like any lozenge and will dissolve slowly in the mouth.
- Topical applications include CBD muscle rubs, balms, creams, lotions and others. These work by rubbing the topical into the skin. This method is often used for localized pain in the joints and muscles. The CBD is absorbed through the skin and through the muscular barrier to provide relief to a localized area. There are also CBD topicals available for skin care including relief from sunburn, CBD to treat acne and CBD topicals designed to fight the signs of aging.
- Vapes are the fastest way to introduce CBD to the system, and by many accounts the most efficient because it bypasses the digestive system. There are several options. Disposable vape pens are pre-filled with CBD and powered by a built-in coil battery. These are generally good for about 100 puffs. CBD oil cartridges are slim cylindrical vape tanks that come pre-filled with CBD vape juice or CBD distillate and require a compatible cartridge for vaping. Refillable CBD vape pens are rechargeable and can be filled with vape juice which is purchased separately. These require basic regular maintenance and can be more cost effective in the long run.
Does CBD work?
Legally, we cannot make any definitive claims about the effectiveness of CBD. However, tens of thousands of testimonials, comprehensive studies and even the FDA (which has recently approved a CBD-based drug for the treatment of epilepsy) can attest to its effectiveness.
Data from The Harris Poll, March 28-April 1, 2019 shows that those who use CBD do so for multiple reasons:
Stress/ Anxiety Relief
Improve Sleep
Relieve Muscle Pain
Relieve Chronic Pain
Relieve Joint Pain
Treat Migraines
Offset Nausea
Menstrual Relief
Treat Seizures |
8% |
Many use CBD to treat multiple ailments or symptoms and swear by its effectiveness.
Is CBD natural?
CBD is 100% natural. It’s found in cannabis plants, primarily hemp.
What are the side effects of CBD?
To date, there has been no evidence that CBD causes any significant side effects. In very large quantities some have reported temporary drowsiness or lethargy. If this happens to you, simply lower your dosage.
Will CBD show up on a drug test?
Not usually. While a test could detect CBD if it were set up to do so, it is very unlikely they are looking for it. THC is the chemical that tests will look for, and most CBD products will contain THC, but only trace amounts too small to show up. This product contains a total delta-9-tetra-hydrocannabinol concentration that does not exceed 0.3 percent on a dry-weight basis. This means the product may contain three parts of THC per 1000 parts of oil by weight and is considered “THC-Free.” If you are taking unusually large amounts of CBD products containing 0.3% THC it may add up to enough to be detected. These statements apply only to Kode RD. A lack of regulation in the industry means that many CBD companies may not accurately report their THC content.
If you are still worried about testing, here is the general timeline most agree on:
A urine test can detect THC up to 45 days.
A blood test can detect THC up to 75 days.
A hair follicle test can detect THC up to 90 days.
Is CBD legal?
Yes. The 2018 Farm Bill states CBD made from hemp containing less than 0.3% THC by dry volume is legal. The Bill puts no restrictions on the possession, sale or interstate transport of hemp-based CBD that meets this and other regulatory standards. It also removed hemp-based CBD from the list of Schedule 1 drugs under the Controlled Substance Act.
Where does CBD come from?
CBD is an all-natural compound extracted from the flower of the Cannabis Sativa L. plant. Our CBD comes from Hemp (not Marijuana) and is cultivated to be THC-free. That means this product contains a total delta-9-tetra-hydrocannabinol concentration that does not exceed 0.3 percent on a dry-weight basis.
What are the benefits of CBD?
Legally, we cannot make any claims about the effectiveness of CBD. What we can do is gather testimonials and studies from around the world and let you know what these say. This list is expanding as we learn more about CBD. If you are on any medication for the treatment of any of the symptoms below, consult a physician about how CBD may interact with your medications, and how CBD may help.
CBD may help relieve anxiety
Anxiety disorders are usually treated with psychotherapy, medication or a combination of both. According to the Mayo Clinic the majority of testing regarding CBD’s effect on anxiety has been done on animals, and these have been positive, but and there has been little research on its effect on humans. However, over 60 percent of cannabis users, including those who use CBD, have reported a decrease in anxiety. It is believed that CBD may help anxiety because CBD helps the body process serotonin, one of the hormones that plays a role in regulating emotions. When it comes to controlling anxiety, many find that CBD helps.
CBD may relieve stress
CBD’s effect on stress has been reported to be nearly identical to anxiety. This makes sense since stress is often a cause of anxiety. By helping the body process the hormone serotonin, it is believed that CBD may help reduce the feeling of stress.
CBD could be effective for depression
The processing of serotonin may play a key role in why many believe that CBD has helped with their depression. CBD is a phytocannabinoid that helps stimulate the regulation of the central nervous system, which in turn helps to regulate things like appetite, mood, the immune system and helps your body function normally.
CBD may help treat seizures and epilepsy
CBD may have anti-seizure properties and has been used in the treatment of epilepsy for quite some time. Even the FDA has approved the first CBD-based drug used specifically for the treatment of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome, two particularly devastating kinds of epilepsy. In addition to the treatment of epilepsy it is believed that CBD may help alleviate the symptoms directly after a seizure occurs.
CBD may be used as a sleep aid
Most who have begun taking CBD do so for multiple reasons, and 45% say a better night’s sleep is one of them. Along with reduced anxiety and stress, which would naturally cause one to have a better night’s sleep, strains of CBD often will contain the myrcene terpene, which is believed to have a sedative effect. CBD may also work by targeting the receptors thought to affect the sleep/wake cycle.
CBD is an antioxidant
There have been a number of lab studies supporting CBD as an antioxidant. CBD and other cannabinoids act as antioxidants in neuronal cultures by reducing hydroperoxide toxicity within the neurons. This means CBD may trigger the cannabinoid receptors in the endocannabinoid system to help antioxidants fight off free radicals in the body.
CBD has neuroprotective properties
It is believed that CBD helps to reduce damage to the brain and nervous system and can encourage the growth and development of new neurons. There may be evidence CBD can be used both as a preventative measure and also to repair damage that has already occurred. For this reason, many athletes involved in contact sports have begun to support the use of CBD.
CBD may reduce the symptoms of PTSD
Some research suggests that CBD may be useful in the treatment of PTSD by improving the endocannabinoid system’s ability to consolidate and retrieve memory. Cannabinoids may help produce neurotransmitters that help promote happiness and pleasure as well.
CBD may relieve symptoms of Fibromyalgia
While there have only be a handful of studies that have looked at how CBD may treat fibromyalgia, there is evidence that CBD interrupts the pathways that send signals of pain between the brain and the body. It is also an anti-inflammatory and could reduce swelling. Both benefits could be useful in controlling the symptoms of Fibromyalgia.
CBD may relieve cancer-related symptoms
There is a lot of evidence to suggest that CBD may compliment cancer treatments in a number of ways. One common side effect of cancer can be trouble maintaining a healthy weight. A number of compounds within broad or full spectrum CBD may help stimulate appetite without the negative side effects of THC, which is also often used to stimulate appetite. Pain relief from cancer symptoms is another well-documented area where CBD may be helpful. CBD targets the CB2 receptors, which can help with widespread pain relief and reduce inflammation throughout the body. This can be especially useful after the body has built up a tolerance to prescribed opioids. Lastly, the nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy may be relieved with cannabinoids like CBD as well. CBD effects the endocannabinoid system and the areas of the brain which control nauseous feelings and vomiting.
CBD may relieve nausea and vomiting
There has been a lot of research recently exploring the link between the body’s endocannabinoid system and the areas of the brain that cause nausea and vomiting. It’s believed that CBD can quell these sensations. The effect of THC in this area is also well-documented. However, THC can cause a number of negative psychoactive side effects. In addition to targeting the endocannabinoid system, CBD can also counter the effects of THC on the mind and body. This is the reason a full or broad spectrum CBD is often recommended for nausea and vomiting, specifically for cancer patients.
CBD may reduce inflammation
Inflammation is a common underlying cause of a wide variety of health problems from coronary artery disease, diabetes and hypertension to Alzheimer’s disease and arthritis. CBD’s ability to act as an anti-inflammatory and its ability to reduce the negative impact that free radicals have throughout the body has been studied for a number of years and the results have been fairly conclusive.
CBD may reduce nerve pain
Nerve pain can have a number of different sources, can be chronic or temporary and many times it can be difficult to diagnose. Those who suffer from nerve pain are often unable to find satisfactory treatment. For many, CBD has been the answer. It is believed that CBD relieves nerve pain by encouraging the growth and development of new neurons and by reducing inflammation in the affected areas. CBD also interferes with nerves’ ability to transmit the signals associated with pain.
CBD may treat acne
There is some evidence that CBD may help clear up different types of acne by adjusting how the body creates sebum. Sebum is the oily substance skin secretes that can often lead to acne. CBD also has anti-inflammatory effects. Inflammation, in some cases, may cause acne or make an existing acne problem worse.
CBD may reduce dry skin
CBD may have anti-aging properties
CBD may help with sensitive skin
CBD has antioxidant properties that may be beneficial to the skin. It can work to normalize the skin, reduce inflammation and control the secretion of sebum. This is believed to decrease dryness, help heal and avoid acne, reduce skin sensitivity, heal sunburn faster and fight the signs of aging.
CBD could help treat multiple sclerosis (MS)
There has been a lot of evidence indicating CBD may be used effectively in the treatment of muscle spasticity associated with MS. In addition, there are several MS symptoms that CBD may be effective in treating including pain, trouble sleeping due to the disease, inflammation associated with MS, abdominal complaints and mood swings.
CBD may relieve arthritis pain
By targeting the CB1 and CB2 receptors it is believed that CBD can relieve the symptoms of arthritis. It acts to decrease inflammation associated with arthritis in the joints while dampening the pain signals sent to the brain from the areas where arthritis is experienced. It is one of the more common uses for CBD and has even been recommended for the treatment of Osteoarthritis (OA) for its ability to relieve nerve pain.
CBD may help treat migraines
CBD may relieve headaches
There are different types of headaches effecting different parts of the brain, and these each have several different possible causes. A 2017 study by Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research showed some very positive results supporting what many have been claiming for a long time, CBD is able to relieve certain types of headaches. A 2019 issue of Current Opinion in Neurology asserts that some of the pain associated with migraines may be relieved by CBD as it can target the serotonin 1A and TRPV1 receptors. CBD may not be effective for every type of headache, but many have claimed CBD was extremely helpful for theirs.
CBD may help quit smoking
In a double-blind study, 12 heavy smokers were given an inhaler with a placebo and 12 others an inhaler with CBD. Each group was instructed to use the inhaler whenever they had a craving. After 21 days the CBD group had reduced smoking 40 percent compared to the placebo group. This group also reported less anxiety and fewer cravings. While this is not a comprehensive study, many have used CBD (specifically vapes) to help them quit smoking.
CBD may help with drug withdrawal and addiction
CBD may treat heroin addiction
Some studies have found that CBD can be a huge help both in beating the addiction and in managing withdrawal symptoms. In a report by CNN a study stated that those with a heroin addiction were given CBD and felt that their cravings for the drug had decreased significantly. The study presumes the same could be said for prescription opioids (an epidemic in the US). In addition, there have been studies showing that CBD can decrease the symptoms of withdrawals, which can be one of the main reasons users go back to taking drugs.
CBD may be a digestive aid
For decades we’ve known that gut health plays a vital role in overall health. It affects everything from energy levels to sleep, and even mental health. CBD may be an effective way to combat some of the most commons issues including swelling of the stomach, bloating and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. CBD acts as a potent anti-inflammatory agent, which can be a contributing factor to many stomach problems. It also helps to balance out the endocannabinoid system, which plays a major role in regulating the stomach, and it has antioxidant properties, which helps fight off the millions of free radicals floating around in our stomachs. Finally, stress and anxiety can often be an underlying cause of stomach problems and many studies and testimonials have asserted that CBD can be effective for both.
CBD may be used as a muscle relaxer
When the nerve impulses that control muscles are interrupted or damaged it can cause muscle contractions, cramps and soreness. There can be a number of causes from disease to dietary factors or simply too much stress on the muscle. By slowing down the flow of chemical messengers and boosting the body’s supply of endocannabinoids, CBD may help muscles relax, decrease spasticity and relieve cramps.
CBD may speed muscle recovery
The anti-inflammatory effects of CBD have been well documented. After a workout muscles become inflamed, and this slows down the recovery process, meaning you’ll need more time before the next workout. With CBD this process can be sped up, meaning you can hit the gym sooner or at the very least get back to feeling like yourself. It’s part of the reason many professional athletes are beginning to take CBD.
CBD may benefit heart health
In a 2017 study published by The American Society for Clinical Investigation, 10 adult males were given 600mg of CBD, and these subjects showed notably lowered blood pressure compared to when they took a placebo. They were also given a stress test while the CBD was in their system and, again, blood pressure showed a far lower spike. Because blood pressure can be associated with a number of health conditions related to the heart, including stroke and heart attack, it is believed that CBD can have a positive impact on heart health.
CBD may reduce the risk of diabetes
Inflammation is known to have an impact on the development of insulin resistance, which is a major contributor to type 2 diabetes. CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties are believed to help reduce this risk. In addition, when CBD is paired with another cannabis compound, THCV, it has been shown to help lower blood sugar levels and increase insulin production.
CBD may reduce the risk of obesity
In a study published by Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, Korean researchers discovered that CBD may stimulate genes and proteins that speed the breakdown and oxidation of fat, increase mitochondria numbers and activity (related to the body’s ability to burn calories) and decrease the expression of proteins involved in lipogenesis (fat cell generation). This means that CBD may be able to fight fat on a number of fronts at once.
CBD may support the immune system
CBD is an immune suppressor and works to balance out over active systems. Immune systems tend to overreact when exposed to allergens and can even be the cause of some illnesses. For example, for those with MS the immune system targets the central nervous system, attacking the protective coating around nerve fibers causing decreased motor function and eventually paralysis. There are many ailments related to an overactive immune system including allergies, Parkinson’s, lupus and arthritis. Studies and testimonials tell us that CBD may help relieve symptoms in all of these areas.
CBD may help treat HIV-1 infection
One of the ways HIV works is by suppressing the immune system to such a degree that individuals are unable to fight off even minor ailments, like infections. While CBD can be an immune suppressor, studies have found that it can actually increase the number of T-cells, which is vital for fighting off things like infections and different diseases. Some research has found that cannabis may even help prevent HIV from developing into AIDS.
CBD may be used to treat ADHD
The studies in this area have been limited, however, many have chosen CBD as part of their treatment for the symptoms of ADHD and it has been credited with decreasing hyperactivity and increasing focus. Researchers are unclear what properties of CBD may cause these affects, but it has been pointed out that in broad spectrum and in full spectrum CBD there are more than 100 additional natural compounds that may play a role. One area where there has been more research is CBD’s effect on anxiety and its ability to decrease anxiousness and nervousness. According to Medical News Today, many of the drugs normally taken for ADHD list anxiety as a side effect, and CBD’s natural ability to combat this may be the reason many have seen positive results when making CBD a part of their treatment.
CBD helps manage pain
Whether chronic pain or pain from a recent injury, one of the primary benefits of CBD is the way it interacts with pain receptors in the brain and how it acts to suppress the pain signals being received by the brain. At the same time, its anti-inflammatory properties target what is often the cause of the pain, swelling and inflammation. This is especially true in cases like arthritis. The two-pronged approach that CBD takes toward fighting pain is one of the main reasons so many choose this supplement.
CBD may improve sex life
CBD may help treat ED
CBD does not act as a sexual stimulant, however, in cases like ED the ability of CBD to create a feeling of calm and lessen anxiety may be helpful. Users have reported that CBD can have a similar effect to alcohol or other substances, which may make one feel at ease and therefore better able to perform. CBD accomplishes this without the negative side effects of other substances.
Is it safe to order CBD online?
Here are some things to look for:
- Has it been tested by a third-party lab? If so, the test results should be readily available. The report should show that the product is free of contaminates and falls within the FDA regulation of containing 0.3 % THC or less.
- Make sure the packaging has an ingredient list. Look for organic and all-natural ingredients. If the labeling has ingredients you are not familiar with, do a Google search to check for side effects.
- Make sure hemp is the source, not marijuana.
- Check the dosage and be sure it is correct for you. Too little and you may see no effect and mistakenly conclude the product is not right for you. Everyone is different, and different symptoms may require different dosages. Here is a starter’s guide:
- See how the product is absorbed in the system, especially for oil-based CBD. It won’t matter the dosage if your body is not absorbing it. Consider supplements with Vitamin C as an example. We all know that some brands will boast high Vitamin C levels, but lab tests will confirm that the body is not receiving the benefit because the specific supplement has not been formulated to be easily absorbed by the body. Other brands may have lower levels of Vitamin C, but the body more readily absorbs the Vitamin C and so you may see better results. The same idea applies to CBD.
- Read customer reviews of the product.
- Make sure the website has taken steps to keep your information safe.
What is hemp?
Hemp is a cannabis plant (Cannabis sativa L.), but it should not be mistaken for marijuana. The two plants have different morphology and chemical makeup and their usages are very different. Hemp contains far less of the psychoactive compound THC and can be (and is in our case) cultivated to contain the least amount of THC possible. 0.3% THC or less.
The plant has been used for over 10,000 years for the fiber from the stems, the protein from the seeds, oils and smokable portions from the leaves and flowers, and it can be made into countless items including paper, clothing, fabric for furnishings and even building materials. In fact, the first hemp rope was found in the Czech Republic and dates back to 26,900 BCE.
When taken into historical context, the illegality of hemp was only a very short blip in a rich history of countless uses and benefits. There have been many articles, reports and even books written on the reason hemp had been made illegal to begin with in the United States, these mostly pointing to the influence of various lobbies which would have needed to compete financially against the different products hemp could be used for if it were to remain legal. This historical lesson may be juxtaposed with the recent (unsuccessful) opposition pharmaceuticals have had toward hemp and CBD’s legalization.
Will CBD get rid of my migraine?
Many claim CBD has reduced symptoms of different types of headaches, including migraines. A 2017 study published by Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research tested 26 people over six months with one group taking Ibuprofen and the other nabilone with oral cannabis to treat migraine symptoms. The group taking nabilone with oral cannabis faired better. A review published in the June 2019 issue of Current Opinion in Neurology suggests that CBD may play a role in alleviating pain associated with migraines by targeting the serotonin 1A and TRPV1 receptors, each of which play a role in pain control. One of the primary medications for migraines has been triptans and CBD has been shown to target the very same receptors.
While the evidence for migraines specifically is not overwhelming, more and more studies are pointing in positive directions. The short answer is, if you suffer migraines than CBD may be worth a try.
Will CBD help with my arthritis?
This is a common use for CBD. There have been recent studies that show cannabidiol oil may play a role in the treatment of arthritis, and many testimonials have made the same assertion. The most common symptoms associated with arthritis include pain, stiffness and decreased movement in the joints. CBD may help relieve these symptoms by targeting the CB1 and CB2 receptors, which are associated with inflammation and pain. By targeting those receptors CBD may help the body send signals to decrease inflammation in these areas and dampen the pain signals being sent to the brain from the problem areas. Those who take CBD for arthritis often opt for topical CBD solutions or oils taken orally.
Will CBD help me sleep?
Testimonials and studies have shown that CBD may have a positive effect on the amount and quality of sleep by targeting the receptors thought to affect the sleep/wake cycle, and by relieving stress and anxiety often associated with sleeplessness. Along with reduced anxiety and stress, which would naturally cause one to have a better night’s sleep, strains of CBD often will contain the myrcene terpene, which is believed to have a sedative effect.
Will CBD relieve back pain?
There is a good possibility it may. CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that can target what is often the cause of pain, or at least one of the causes, swelling and inflammation. CBD also interacts with pain receptors in the brain and may suppress pain signals caused by back pain. This is true for injury or for chronic issues. Another reason many are turning to CBD for back pain is the opioid epidemic. Opioids are commonly subscribed for backpain and many have made the argument that they are overprescribed. CBD may be a non-addictive alternative with little or no side effects.
Should CBD be part of cancer treatment?
CBD has been shown to help with the symptoms of cancer and cancer treatment including loss of appetite, pain, nausea and vomiting. It is believed that there are many compounds within broad and full spectrum CBD that help to stimulate appetite. Pain relief is another area where CBD may be helpful because it targets the CB2 receptors, which can help with widespread pain relief and reduce inflammation throughout the body. Finally, CBD effects the endocannabinoid system and the areas of the brain which control nauseous feelings and vomiting, and it is believed to help control these.